
Simple java program for first day

1. Compile the above class (without main) using javac Does it compile?
2. If above experiment is successful, run the compiled .class file. What happens? Why?
A sample DogTest class (in separate file)

public class Dog
public String name = "U";
public String bread = "pet";

public void speak()

public void sleep()

public void eat()

//make new file and copy this code
public class Dog1
public static void main(String args[])
Dog ob1 = new Dog();
System.out.printf("My dog %s is:",;

System.out.printf("Hello %s \n:",;


2nd programe:
Task 1: Write java code to create the GradeBook class that contains a displayMessage method
to displays a message on the screen. You will need to make an object of this class and call its
method to execute display the message.
Now declare a separate class that contains a main method. The GradeBookTest class declaration
will contain the main method that will control your application’s execution.

public class GradeBook
public void displayMassage()
System.out.println("Welcome to GradeBook");

//copy code then paste new file:
public class GradeBookTest
public static void  main(String args[])
     GradeBook d = new GradeBook();

3rd programe:
Write a class Circle, which will model the functionality of a Circle.
1. Attributes
=> radius
2. Methods
=> calculateArea(): To compute area
=>  calculatePerimeter(): To compute perimeter

public class Circle
public void calculateArea()

int r = 8;

double area = 3.14*r*r;

System.out.println("Area of circle :" +area);
public void calculatePerimeter()

int r = 8;

double perimeter = 2*3.14*3.14;
System.out.println("Perimeter of " +perimeter);

public class CircleTest
public static void  main(String args[])
     Circle c = new Circle();

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