
Functionality of a bank through java code

1st programe:Encapsulation:

public class Circle1
private double radius ;
public void setRadius(double radius)
this.radius = radius;
public double getRadius()
return radius;


copy this code then paste in new file:
public class Circle2
    public static void main(String args[])
Circle1 ob1 = new Circle1();

System.out.println("The value of radius:" +ob1.getRadius());



2nd programe:

Write a class Account, which will model the functionality of a bank account.
1. Attributes
=> AccountTitle
=> TotalBalance
2. Methods
=> deposit(double amountToDeposit): To deposit amount to account
=> withdraw(double amountToWithDraw): To withdraw amount from account. In

this method, you have check withdrawal amount should be less than total amount.

public class Account
public void deposit(double amountToDeposit)
String accountTital = "current";
double totalBalance = 200000;
     double total = totalBalance+amountToDeposit;
  System.out.println("Your deposit:" +amountToDeposit);
System.out.println("Now your total balance:" +total);
    return total;
public double withdraw(double amountToWithDraw double total )

System.out.println("Your balance is low!  please retype withdraw balance");

double remaining = total-amountToWithDraw;
System.out.println("Your withdraw balance:" +amountToWithDraw);
    System.out.println("Your remaining balance:" +remaining);

copy this code then paste in new file:

public class AccountTest
public static void main(String args[])
Account F1 = new Account();
double total = F1.deposit(50000);


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